
A Report From India

It is with a heavy heart that we report to let you know that in late January our precious sister in the Lord and partner in ministry, Manjula Roul, passed away quietly in her sleep. She was the wife of Rev. Bijoy Roul and has faithfully served in ministry beside him...

Focusing on Putting Gospel Literature in Hands of Listeners

Since 1978, The Tide® has not only broadcast Gospel radio programming to the ears of millions of people in India, but has put the Gospel message into their hands as well. In India, The Tide ministry’s radio outreach is complemented by effective discipleship activities...

Sunday is a Day for Gospel Radio in India

For millions of Americans, Sundays are set aside for church attendance, family time and fellowship.Although the Christian church experience may look much different in India, Sunday is also a day set aside for the Gospel and the hope of Christ for many...

Good News from Chhattisgarh State of India

The Tide® has been active in India for four decades. Good news was recently reported from the Chhattisgarh State, where the ministry first began by providing just a few radios to believers and leaders of this area. But this ministry has slowly expanded by...

Who Are the Bhottada People of India?

The Bhottada people of India are a primitive group of farmers, and they have no radio programming in their own language—no way to hear about the hope, love and saving grace of Jesus Christ--until now. The Tide® is introducing Gospel programming in a new...