Throughout the Middle East many children have questions about the truth of the Christian faith. The Tide ministry has partnered in a project to provide a creative and attention-catching forum to answer these questions and to break down barriers for children in the Arab and Muslim societies of the Middle East to come to Jesus as Savior.
About This Project
To achieve this goal, we utilize a series of videos using puppetry and apologetics to explain the Christian faith without attacking other faiths. Each episode portrays a discussion between two puppets regarding key questions children may have about Christianity. The puppets also declare the salvation message and invite children to accept Jesus as their personal savior. These puppet shows enable children throughout the Middle East to hear of God’s love, learn the basics of the Christian faith, and receive the Gospel in a format that easily engages their attention.
The programs endeavor to make the Gospel extremely clear and simple so a child can understand it while also providing answers to commonly asked questions regarding the Christian faith. The puppet shows are being aired on all Arabic satellite channels including SAT7 Kids which is the most-watched Christian satellite channel in the Middle East. In addition, the programs are posted online through various digital media channels. We estimate being able to reach a minimum of 5 Million children throughout the Middle East through satellite and online. The project has resulted in the production of enough puppet shows to provide fresh content weekly for 6 months and has the potential to be dubbed in multiple languages.
News from
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