The New Face of World Missions

With the beginning of each new year comes anticipation and excitement for many, including those at The Tide® ministry. We anticipate what God has in store for 2023 and are excited to see all the things He will use the ministry to accomplish. Events will be planned. Funds will be raised. Programs will be produced in Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. Most importantly, through it all, people’s lives will be changed.

One way God accomplishes this is through The Tide Year Beard® Challenge. Dozens of men have participated in years past, and we praise God for the nearly $48,000 raised to help make a difference in the lives of people all over the world. It is estimated that for every $1 raised, 20 people will hear the Gospel through our broadcasts. This means that so far, nearly 1 million people have been able to hear the message of Christ through the efforts of our bearded friends.

“Year Beard provides a creative way to be involved in world missions,” said Mark Story, Year Beard participant and former Director of Development at The Tide ministry. “By growing a beard and raising funds for The Tide I felt a connection to the radio listeners around the globe while having meaningful conversations locally with friends and family. In addition to growing a big beard I also grew in my faith by being disciplined, long-suffering, patient, and bold. As soon as you make the commitment, Year Beard will literally grow on you.”

Previous Year Beard participant, Corey Weaver, added, “I was personally asked to participate in the Year Beard, so that connection made me feel important to the Tide and their mission. While participating in the Year Beard I went on a cruise to the Caribbean.  While there, a family was in awe of this big beard.  I was able to evangelize to them about THE REASON for the beard, the connection to The Tide, and also to their ministry for SPREADING GOD’S WORD. This couple from the Midwest then went on The Tide website and made a financial contribution to my fund.  I appreciated this opportunity to use something as simple as hair to show God’s work.”

Participants can choose how many months they would like to commit to growing their beard, or if they choose, their head of hair. Depending on the number of months chosen, they will receive items such as t-shirts, wooden beard combs, beard oil, and more to help them along the way. In addition, men are invited to partake in quarterly gatherings with other participants to build each other up and encourage one another in their faith as they share their stories of telling others about Jesus when asked about their facial hair. At the end of the year, men are invited to a Year Beard Bonanza to celebrate together, and some will receive awards for various achievements. Previous prizes include sporting event tickets, Sight and Sound Theater tickets, and restaurant certificates.

As 2023 Year Beard kicks off, would you prayerfully consider getting involved through your commitment to
– pray for the men.
– join the challenge.
– sponsor someone participating.
– share the opportunity with men who may be interested in participating.

Visit to sign up today or contact us for more details at or 717-264-7288. Together God can use us to make an impact around the world!