How Well Do You Know the Bible?

Staying in the Word is one of the core non-negotiable practices of the Christian walk. But how well do we know the Scriptures?

If a Muslim who was exploring the Christian faith asked you, “Where in the Bible did Jesus claim to be God?” – a common question asked by Muslims who are more familiar with the Koran – would you have a response handy? Or would you need to whip out your smartphone and search for the answer?

According to a 2024 report by the American Bible Study, the proportion of Americans who regularly read and engage their Bibles has continued to decline. Even since 2020, the percentage of those who are Scripturally engaged, or regularly reading the Bible, has decreased from 28% to 18%, while the percentage who do not read Bibles has increased from 47% to 57%.

We never know when we will have the opportunity to share our faith or engage in dialogue with a seeker. During those key moments, it is of immense benefit to have a deep well of Scripture memorized in our hearts – verses which we have meditated on and draw from in the moment.

A Muslim from Pakistan who has listened to our programming recently wrote the following to us:

If you read Koran you will come to know that all the former books have been abolished. The teachings of the prophets who came before Islam were only for the specific people and not for today’s human.

This is a complex question which requires an understanding of both the Koran and the Bible. In our response, we pointed out that the Koran never claims that earlier scriptures have been abolished. On the contrary, the Koran affirms, “Indeed, We sent down the Torah, in which was guidance and light.”

We also shared that the ministry of Jesus was not confined to a specific place or time, and quoted Revelation 7:9 — “After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people, and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands.”

Our ministry partner recently gave us the following update regarding the Sindhi-language broadcast:

With immense joy we share with you the overwhelming results Sindhi language program has brought in the lives of our audiences. Around 3100 listeners are now listening to our program on regular basis.

Praise God that He is drawing Muslims from Pakistan to the Son through the ministry of the Word! We pray that the Spirit will convict many of truth and righteousness as they encounter the Lord through the radio!