Expanding Outreach in Zimbabwe and Surrounding Regions

The people of Zimbabwe have faced significant hurdles over the past decade. Persistently high inflation, elevated interest rates, and a slumping and volatile Zimbabwe dollar constitute an economic crisis, while continual threats of violence plague citizens. However, there is hope.

While Christianity might be the majority religion in Zimbabwe, many have blended the true Gospel with the local legends and superstitions, resulting in something that is not the Truth. People are desperate for hope, and we are happy to bring them the hope of the Gospel through our various media ministries.

The Ndebele language radio program called ‘Amagugu Evangeli’ continues making great strides. The ministry has also assisted in the production of Christian radio programs in the English and Shona languages. In 2016, The Tide® ministry began building a new, larger and upgraded, recording studio so that the local radio ministry can continue to grow and impact more lives for Christ.

One of our ministry partners shared, “Economic challenges are being experienced by most people in the country. Young people are involved in drugs and other dangerous substances. These have even affected some young people in our churches. We pray for unity, leadership, peace, and healing for the nation of Zimbabwe.”

If you would like to make a difference in the lives of the people in Zimbabwe and around the world, you can do so through prayer and financial support. It is because of your partnership with the ministry that we are able to make an eternal impact around the world. Thank you for your generosity.