
Teaching Disciples to Obey

Sometimes, in cross-cultural pioneering ministry, challenging situations may arise. There may not be a one-size-fits-all solution, and even mature Christians who are seasoned practitioners may have different perspectives.

Fanning the Flames

I have many memories of being around fires as I grew up. In the Fall as cold and winter weather began, we raked the fallen leaves and branches into piles and then set them on fire. We had to stir and turn the leaves occasionally to keep them burning.

This Little Light of Mine

Some of my earliest memories of going to church and Vacation Bible School include singing that little children’s song.  “This little light of mine”. We learned to do motions as we sang, holding up one finger that symbolized a little candle and moving it around as we...

Standing in Him

Deuteronomy 31:6-8 What does it take to be a man or woman of courage? Does it take a man or woman of position? A man or woman with a title? No, it takes a life completely surrendered over to God and a life given over to His will completely. It takes courage to stand...

Walking on Waves

Matthew 14:22-33 Life was good! Relationships and ministry opportunities were expanding; they were exciting and fulfilling my hopes and dreams. Unexpectedly, everything changed in a moment which was only the beginning of a new journey, actually a storm! The...

Zeal for You

Definition: Zealous is the adjective of zeal and means to be ardently devoted, fervent, and enthusiastic on behalf of someone or something. Zeal is often used in a religious sense, meaning devotion to God or another religious cause, like being a missionary. 1 Kings...

Worship – The Key to Victory

I woke up with a pounding headache, took a couple Tylenol pills and went to the speaking engagement. Just a few minutes after getting up to speak that Sunday morning in PA, I had a grand mal seizure in front of the audience. I was transferred to Baltimore, MD for...

Turn Your Eyes

One of my favorite little songs I grew up on was this chorus we would sing: “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus.” What does it mean to turn your eyes upon Him? To gaze upon His face and to know there lies all the peace we will ever need to face any circumstance in life. I have...

Laying Down Our Life

I don't think we can truly grasp all that Christ did for us on the Cross. Here was a man, God's son, who was willing to lay it all down for us. He was the great sacrifice for our sins, our wrongdoings. How could I not praise and follow such a man filled with love and...