Recent News & Events


Celebrating New Zimbabwe Radio Studio with U.S. Ribbon Cutting

We're celebrating a new radio studio in Zimbabwe with a local ribbon cutting here at home. In 1983, The Tide ministry began working with a church group in Zimbabwe to produce and air a Ndebele language radio program called “Amagugu Evangeli,” which means “Precious...

A Report From India

It is with a heavy heart that we report to let you know that in late January our precious sister in the Lord and partner in ministry, Manjula Roul, passed away quietly in her sleep. She was the wife of Rev. Bijoy Roul and has faithfully served in ministry beside him...

Laying Down Our Life

I don't think we can truly grasp all that Christ did for us on the Cross. Here was a man, God's son, who was willing to lay it all down for us. He was the great sacrifice for our sins, our wrongdoings. How could I not praise and follow such a man filled with love and...

Long Term Leadership & Steadfast Service

His passion for world missions began in Rhodesia (which became Zimbabwe in 1980.)  Born in that fertile, beautiful land as a son of missionaries, Don Shenk learned, first-hand the importance and impact of cross-cultural missions.  He had a front row view of the power...


How you ever just looked at your life and said, “wow, I have it good?” or on the contrary have you ever said, “why does everything bad always happen me to me? I can honestly say that I’ve had my fair share of saying both statements. Recently we just experience so much...

Nigerian Christians Face ‘Strategic Modern-Day Jihad’

Nigerian Christians Face ‘Strategic Modern-Day Jihad’

Christians in Nigeria are facing a “strategic modern-day jihad” and a “deliberate plan to destroy and take over the predominantly Christian communities in the region,” according to The Christian Post. While violence and attacks against Christians in Nigeria have...