Spiritual Progress

Reading: Ephesians 4:11-16 Some babies are born into this world, robust and hearty, weighing ten or more pounds. Others are merely know which one was born large or small. With proper love and care, they grow healthy and strong. So it is with the spiritual birth. Some...

One Thing is Needed

Reading: Luke 10:28-34 I have always loved the story of Mary and Martha. It’s so human. Oftentimes, we find ourselves being a Martha. It is so easy to work so hard in life, even when you’re working for Jesus. This is not inherently bad by any means. But we must be...

Deep Roots

It’s that time of year now when those little yellow flowers start popping up here and there in my yard. Like so many other people, I’ll now be waging a continuous battle against the dandelions in my yard that will last the whole year from spring through summer and...