After Suicide Bomber Rocks Taliban Stronghold, The Tide® Ministry’s Virtual 5k Challenge Participants Continue to Pray for Those Affected

CHAMBERSBURG, Pa.— Participants of The Tide® ( ministry’s virtual “Race to Share the Gospel” are halfway through the challenge and continuing their challenge to walk, run, or bike 13 miles to make an eternal impact on the lives of millions. The race virtually “takes place” across the city of Kabul, Afghanistan. Participants virtually “run” past various markers all around the city and are prompted to pray for unbelievers. The challenge started on October 8 and will end on October 23. For more information, click here.

Unfortunately, tragedy struck the city of Kabul just before the race began. On October 4, a suicide bomber set off an explosion at a government ministry in Kabul, injuring dozens and killing at least four people. The site of this tragic event is one of the main markers for The Tide® ministry’s “Race the Share the Gospel.”

Regarding the calamity in Kabul, The Tide® Director Don Shenk commented, “We mourn that people who did not know Jesus have lost their lives in this senseless act, that many others will live their lives without these loved ones, and that others will have physical, mental, and emotional scars to work through in the aftermath.

“With the news of this terrible tragedy, we sense a renewed urgency to share the Gospel and are grateful many prayers will be lifted up over the next couple of weeks for these specific people at this specific location. We praise God for His divine guidance months ago when, even though we had no idea of what would happen days before the Race kickoff, He did!

“Although our Racers will be safe from such attacks as they virtually flood the streets of Kabul, we are reminded of the dangers and hardships people in Afghanistan face every day. We are continually grateful that we have the opportunity to provide radio and television programming around the world in the heart languages the people were born to speak.”

All proceeds from the race will benefit The Tide® ministry’s Afghan children’s radio program. Many children in rural parts of the region do not have access to the Christian message. The main objective of producing the radio program is to reach poor areas around the Arab world where there is no Christian education. The Tide® ministry is specifically reaching impoverished areas where there are currently no Sunday School opportunities available.

For Shenkit’s a testament to God’s divine purpose and planning that The Tide®ministry just recently started broadcasting the Gospel into Afghanistan. An organization that utilizes the power of radio to spread the Good News to people all across the world, The Tide® ministry shares the Gospel daily in over 20 different languages on three continents, reaching millions of people including those in Afghanistan, Albania, Bhutan, India, Kosovo, Mozambique, Nepal, Pakistan, Thailand, and Zimbabwe. The ministry has only been reaching into Afghanistan for just over a year.

For more information about The Tide® ministry’s “Race to Share the Gospel,” click here.

After over 75 years of Gospel radio broadcasting, The Tide® ministry and its partners will focus on the core foundations of “The Tide Diamond Vision” for the next seven decades:

  • Amplify – The Tide® ministry will increase ministry initiatives so that more people can experience God’s grace.
  • Magnify – The Tide® ministry will work to grow its support base to an expanded demographic.
  • Solidify – The Tide® ministry will develop and supply more resources to help new believers to grow in their faith and live in right relationship with God.
  • Verify – The Tide® ministry will measure the effectiveness of its activities to both manage them well and to demonstrate the efficient stewardship of resources.
  • Glorify – The Tide® ministry will strive to ensure that all it does to achieve its vision will bring glory to God.

For more information about The Tide® ministry broadcast projects, history, radio programs around the world, special year-long campaigns, the weekly Global Update radio features or other news, visit its website at or its Facebook page.


To schedule interviews with Don Shenk, director of The Tide® global radio ministry, contact, Beth Harrison, 610.584.1096, ext. 105, or Deborah Hamilton, ext. 102.

To inquire about airing any of The Tide® ministry radio broadcasts, contact Michael Hamilton,610.584.1096, ext. 101.

Encouraging the Youth in Albania and Kosovo

When the Time to Talk program began broadcasting on television five years ago, it was the only Christian program reaching out to youth in Albania and Kosovo. This remains the case today. We are grateful to be part of encouraging the next generation of believers in the Balkans.

Testimony from Albania

Did you know that Albania was famously declared to be the world’s first atheist state in the 1960’s?