
Don and Becky Shenk Attend Leadership Conference in India

Leaders from The Tide are currently traveling in India, training other leaders for full-time service to the Lord and enabling them to share Jesus’ love and saving grace through radio airwaves. The Tide began its ministry 71 years ago, and since 1978, it has been...

India’s Christians Face Additional Challenges Under New President

Imagine the leader of any country worldwide not respecting its citizens’ religious beliefs, including Christianity. That’s the reality in India, where the new president, Hindu nationalist Ram Nath Kovind, is considered a threat to Christians, according to Christianity...

From the Mailbag: Albania, India, Kosovo, Nigeria, Zimbabwe

A sampling of letters from those whose hearts have been touched by The Tide radio programs. Full names and location are not included to protect identity. Albania I love listening to Pastor Hervin. I learned a lot from the Bible because of his radio show. His passion...

Bringing Peace and Joy to New Believers in India

The Tide® reaches countless listeners in remote villages and populous countries on three continents. However, what overjoys the ministry is when just one person responds that The Tide gospel programming was truly inspiring. Such was the case for a listener in India,...

From the Mailbag: India, Albania, & Nigeria

A sampling of letters from those whose hearts have been touched by The Tide radio programs. (Full names and locations are not included to protect identity.) Albania I was raised as a Muslim and believed that was the best way to go, until one day the Lord Jesus...

From the Mailbag: India, Albania, & Kosovo

A sampling of letters we receive from listeners around the world. Thank you so much for your support in helping us change lives! Full names and locations are not included to protect identity. India This month, nearly 20 people listned to the 'Shanti Data' program in...