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Reading: Mark 11:22-26  There are two marks of a Christian--giving and forgiving. No one can become intimate with Christ and remain selfish. If one draws close to the Lord, his selfishness will disappear. You can generally know how close one is to the Lord by how...

Who Are the Bhottada People of India?

Who Are the Bhottada People of India?

The Bhottada people of India are a primitive group of farmers, and they have no radio programming in their own language—no way to hear about the hope, love and saving grace of Jesus Christ--until now. The Tide® is introducing Gospel programming in a new...

Offering Programming in New Language—Bhatri

Offering Programming in New Language—Bhatri

The Tide® is embarking on a new journey of sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the Bhottada people of India through radio programming in the Bhatri language. “The Tide ministry is blessed to be able to share the hope and love of Christ with this very primitive...

Ugly Roots

Hebrews 12:12-17 Those fence rows, on the farm...what a task to keep them clean. Every year there were those locust sprouts. They were persistent. You could chop them off but next year they were there again. The foots were down under. There was really only one cure:...

God Sees All

Reading: Psalms 139:1-12; 23-24 Some years ago I was a guest at a large orphanage near the city of Philadelphia, PA. The children sang for me. I have never forgotten it, “You Cannot Hide from God.” And no one can! Dark places are made light under his searching eye....