Since 1978
With a population of over 1.3 billion people, India is very densely populated. Over 2000 of the 2295 people groups in India are still considered unreached with the Gospel. Multiple religions are practiced throughout India, but Hinduism is the largest religion there, and only about 2% of the population profess to be Christians. That means there are still over 1.2 billion people in India who don’t yet know Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior!
Since 1978 The Tide® ministry has been using radio broadcasts to share the Gospel throughout India. Our radio ministry in India has grown from a single Hindi language broadcast to include radio programs in eight Indian languages, and we plan to reach even more people groups in the future. All these programs are produced in our studio in India using indigenous ministers who can effectively communicate the message of Christ to their own people in their mother tongue.
The Tide radio ministry in India is complemented by effective discipleship activities including literature distribution, Bible correspondence courses, seekers conferences (discipleship seminars) and a radio distribution project we call “Radios for India.” This combination of ministry elements has proven to be extremely effective in changing lives throughout India and planting churches where believers can be nurtured in their faith and through which whole communities can be drawn into the Kingdom of God.
Bengali Radio Broadcast
Kurukh Radio Broadcast
News from
New Laws Restricting Ministry in India Will Not Stop the Gospel
Recent amendments to the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) and additions to anti-conversion laws in India give more control to the government over Christian ministries like The Tide®.The key changes to the amendment include restrictions to the transfer of...
Christian Ministries in India Face Tighter Restrictions with New Anti-Conversion Laws
New laws signed in India during the last months of 2020 have tightened the already restrictive Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) and anti-conversion laws. The amendments to the FCRA give more control to the government over non-governmental organizations...
Nonprofits in India Face Stricter Guidelines as the Government Tightens Contribution Regulations
The Tide® Ministry Continues Its Mission Through These Difficult Times in India
Letters from Abroad: Albania, Bhutan, India, Kosovo, Nigeria
Albania I’m 20 years old and though I grew up in church, I felt misunderstood and like I did not belong. During the isolation months because of the pandemic, I felt like everything I had built so far was shaking. I studied a lot in University and I needed the good...
Supplying Tangible Needs in India Adapts To Share Gospel Despite National Lockdown
Suspended In-Person Meetings Fail To Stop The Tide Ministry from Spreading Gospel Hope through Mailings, Broadcasts
Sharing the Gospel amidst Persecution in India
In a region of India long known for targeting and obstructing Christianity, radio listeners are responding to the hopeful Gospel message broadcast through our partners in Odisha. In 1967, Odisha became the first state in India to enact anti-conversion legislation,...
Letters from Abroad: India, Nigeria, and Zimbabwe
One of our favorite parts of ministering is hearing back from our listeners. Read on to see how lives are being changed around the world! India I am a regular listener of your radio program ‘Shanti Data.’ Through this radio program I was very happy and blessed and...
From the Field
Report on Discipleship Activities in Chhattisgarh, India. (Excerpts from the most recent quarterly report submitted by Good News Hour, The Tide partner ministry in India.)