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Nigerians Facing Daily Violence Need Hope of Christ

Violence is nearly an everyday occurrence in Nigeria, with many living in fear of attacks on their farms, homes or churches. Reports vary as to who is responsible for the attacks, as well as who is being targeted specifically, whether farmers or Christians. Regardless...

Reaching Nigerians Who Face Difficulty and Violence Daily

News of violence against Christians has made frightening and disturbing headlines lately, but there are also many other challenges Nigerians face in their everyday lives. The Tide® has been broadcasting programming in Nigeria for nearly 10 years. Through 11...

Young People Excited About Jesus in Kosovo

When a congregation from a church in Gjakova, Kosovo, traveled to a town square to worship God and pray, they had no idea who might join them. But when a group of interested teenagers flocked to the church group, doors were opened for young lives to be changed by...

Reaching Out to the Poor in Kosovo While Spreading the Gospel

We have been partnering with local pastors and Christian groups in Kosovo for more than two years, and tangible impact is being felt. A pastor in Kosovo who broadcasts Gospel radio programming in partnership with The Tide ministry also leads a congregation...

The Tide® Connects With Those Worshipping at Creation

Thousands of music fans and followers of Jesus gathered at Agape Farm in Mount Union, Pennsylvania, last week to hear from their favorite musicians, worship God and enjoy creation. For many years, The Tide® has had a presence at the Creation Festival at the...

Good News from Chhattisgarh State of India

The Tide® has been active in India for four decades. Good news was recently reported from the Chhattisgarh State, where the ministry first began by providing just a few radios to believers and leaders of this area. But this ministry has slowly expanded by...

Who Are the Bhottada People of India?

The Bhottada people of India are a primitive group of farmers, and they have no radio programming in their own language—no way to hear about the hope, love and saving grace of Jesus Christ--until now. The Tide® is introducing Gospel programming in a new...