
Since 1978

With a population of over 1.3 billion people, India is very densely populated. Over 2000 of the 2295 people groups in India are still considered unreached with the Gospel. Multiple religions are practiced throughout India, but Hinduism is the largest religion there, and only about 2% of the population profess to be Christians. That means there are still over 1.2 billion people in India who don’t yet know Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior!

Since 1978 The Tide® ministry has been using radio broadcasts to share the Gospel throughout India. Our radio ministry in India has grown from a single Hindi language broadcast to include radio programs in eight Indian languages, and we plan to reach even more people groups in the future.  All these programs are produced in our studio in India using indigenous ministers who can effectively communicate the message of Christ to their own people in their mother tongue.

The Tide radio ministry in India is complemented by effective discipleship activities including literature distribution, Bible correspondence courses, seekers conferences (discipleship seminars) and a radio distribution project we call “Radios for India.” This combination of ministry elements has proven to be extremely effective in changing lives throughout India and planting churches where believers can be nurtured in their faith and through which whole communities can be drawn into the Kingdom of God.

News from


Representatives from The Tide Meet Joyful Christians in India

Representatives from The Tide® recently returned from a visit to India, where the ministry has shared the Gospel over the airwaves for nearly 40 years. “It’s wonderful to visit somewhere new but coming home makes you appreciate your blessings,” Director Don Shenk. “In...

At Thanksgiving, Be Thankful for the Truth of God’s Word

The Thanksgiving holiday is an ideal time of year to pause and truly reflect on the abundant blessings God has bestowed on our lives. The Tide® encourages believers to prioritize their time by giving the ultimate thanks to God for sharing His wisdom through the...

Don and Becky Shenk Attend Leadership Conference in India

Leaders from The Tide are currently traveling in India, training other leaders for full-time service to the Lord and enabling them to share Jesus’ love and saving grace through radio airwaves. The Tide began its ministry 71 years ago, and since 1978, it has been...

India’s Christians Face Additional Challenges Under New President

Imagine the leader of any country worldwide not respecting its citizens’ religious beliefs, including Christianity. That’s the reality in India, where the new president, Hindu nationalist Ram Nath Kovind, is considered a threat to Christians, according to Christianity...

From the Mailbag: Albania, India, Kosovo, Nigeria, Zimbabwe

A sampling of letters from those whose hearts have been touched by The Tide radio programs. Full names and location are not included to protect identity. Albania I love listening to Pastor Hervin. I learned a lot from the Bible because of his radio show. His passion...

Bringing Peace and Joy to New Believers in India

The Tide® reaches countless listeners in remote villages and populous countries on three continents. However, what overjoys the ministry is when just one person responds that The Tide gospel programming was truly inspiring. Such was the case for a listener in India,...

