Tidal WAves
![Waves (2)](https://www.thetide.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Waves-2.png)
Introducing our TIDAL WAVES monthly giving team
The ministry being accomplished through Gospel Tide Broadcasting Association (The Tide®) takes an ongoing commitment. We work with ministry partners around the globe to produce and broadcast Biblical messages of hope for people who have limited access to the Gospel. It is a mutual commitment between those doing the daily work and those who are supporting the work. You are invited to join our TIDAL WAVES team of dedicated friends by committing to support the mission of The Tide through a monthly pledge.
True oceanic tidal waves are regularly occurring, consistent, predictable, and measurable. In the same way, members of the TIDAL WAVES team provide reliable ongoing financial support. This support enables The Tide to send out the Gospel radio waves on a dependable schedule to people in need. We want to work with you to sustain and grow this ministry for many years to come. Since the very beginning, Gospel Tide Broadcasting Association has solely been funded by donors, just like you. Similar to oceanic tidal waves, our broadcasting opportunities are continually on the rise and we are seeking monthly donors who want to share their faith in an increasing way. Many people have never heard the Gospel. You can make a real difference!
How it Works
Our approach is unique: Rather than broadcasting translations of English programs, The Tide partners with local ministers in Africa, Asia, and Europe to produce radio programs to share the Gospel in their language and in the context of their culture. These local ministry partners are our boots on the ground to provide listener care and coordinate discipleship and leadership training activities. Our international partners also carry out our humanitarian and compassion ministry initiatives.
What your TIDAL WAVES support will help accomplish
-Tell people about Jesus in the language they were born to speak.
-Disciple new believers and develop local leaders.
-Focus evangelistic ministry efforts on people groups who have limited access to the Gospel.
-Provide radios and media players for people to listen to The Tide radio broadcasts.
How it Works
Our approach is unique: Rather than broadcasting translations of English programs, The Tide partners with local ministers in Africa, Asia, and Europe to produce radio programs to share the Gospel in their language and in the context of their culture. These local ministry partners are our boots on the ground to provide listener care and coordinate discipleship and leadership training activities. Our international partners also carry out our humanitarian and compassion ministry initiatives.
What your TIDAL WAVES support will help accomplish
- Tell people about Jesus in the language they were born to speak.
- Disciple new believers and develop local leaders.
- Focus evangelistic ministry efforts on people groups who have limited access to the Gospel.
- Provide radios and media players for people to listen to The Tide radio broadcasts.
The return to you
Opportunity to experience giving joy and providing hope to those with limited access to the Gospel.
Receive our quarterly newsletter jampacked with fresh testimonies from global radio listeners.
A special gift from us to you when you become a TIDAL WAVES team member.
A direct connection with one of our staff or board members for questions or prayer.
worldwide impact
Our approach is unique: Rather than broadcasting translations of English programs, The Tide partners with local ministers in Africa, Asia, and Europe to produce radio programs to share the Gospel in their language and in the context of their culture. These local ministry partners are our boots on the ground to provide listener care and coordinate discipleship and leadership training activities. Our international partners also carry out our humanitarian and compassion ministry initiatives.
Your support will make Gospel waves in 3 Continents, 39 Countries, and 30 Languages
- Albania
- Bhutan
- India
- Kosovo
- Nepal
- Nigeria
- Pakistan
- Thailand
- Zimbabwe
Become a monthly Tidal Wave:
Credit Card, eCheck, or Remittance Envelopes.
If you wish to give monthly through the mail, please call the office to set up arrangements.