The Tide® Ministry Hosts Major Events in February to Ignite the Body of Christ for the Sake of the World

As we celebrate more than 75 years of ministry around the world through radio broadcasts, we also celebrate God’s faithfulness in allowing The Tide ministry to share the Gospel of Christ in 39 countries on three different continents, with millions hearing the Gospel and accepting Christ as their Savior.

Don Shenk, director of The Tide® Ministry, commented, “We are extremely blessed to be able to celebrate over seven decades of our global radio outreach, with tens of thousands of people hearing the Gospel through our radio broadcasts. God certainly had a plan for Reverend Byers’ vision all those years ago!

“We aren’t just stopping at 75 years, though,” Shenk continued. “We are looking to the future of our ministry and plan to continue to share the Gospel for the next 75 years to come.”

To celebrate this monumental achievement, we are hosting two major events in the month of February. The first is Piercing Word Scripture Dramatization: The One Story on February 19. Piercing Word is an innovative new way to look at the Bible story—by using Scripture as the script, highly trained actors will enact the Bible and bring it to life for the audience. The mission of Piercing Word is to ignite passion for the Word of God in the heart of the Church, which aligns strongly with our mission here at The Tide.

Additionally, we are hosting our “Your Soles, Their Souls” shoe drive. Our goal is to gather 2,500 pairs of shoes by the end of the month, and we have already received over 700 pairs! The shoes collected will benefit micro businesses in developing countries around the world, and the funds raised from this campaign will benefit Gospel outreach through literacy classes in India. While the campaign is ongoing throughout the month, we are hosting a drive-through drop off event on February 26. For more information, click here.

In addition, we are always actively looking for people godly and manly enough to take up the 2021-2022 “Year Beard” challenge. Visit for background and to meet some of the participants who are growing out their facial hair to raise awareness and financial support to help The Tide ministry reach an additional 1 million people with the name of Jesus next year.