The Tide® Gospel Ministry Shares the Good News to Buddhists in Thailand

CHAMBERSBURG, Pa.— There are many areas in the world that still have not heard the Gospel of Christ. The Tide® ( ministry, a global missional outreach that shares the Good News through radio broadcasts, tells the truth of the Gospel by speaking in the heart languages people were born to speak. At the moment, The Tide® ministry shares the Gospel daily in over 30 different languages in 39 countries on three continents, and reaches millions of people including those in Afghanistan, Albania, Bhutan, India, Kosovo, Mozambique, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Thailand, and Zimbabwe.

The Tide® Director Don Shenk stated, “For 75 years, we have spoken the truth of the Gospel to people all around the world in their heart languages—the languages they were born to speak. Many people believe in other religions while still seeking more—their hearts long for the hope of Christ, and we are honored to be able to share that message.”

In Thailand, an area dominated by a strong Buddhist culture, The Tide® ministry is determined to start conversations about Christ to those entrenched in Buddhism. Recently, staff in the area reported going to a local temple to try to speak to any monks about the Gospel. While many did not respond to the Good News right away, one monk, Paw Thong, remained interested in the Gospel and wanted to know more.

When The Tide® ministry returned to speak to Paw Thong, some staff remained outside the monastery to pray while others went in to speak to him again. The monk revealed that he had been listening to The Tide® daily broadcasts about Christ and that he was interested in going to a local church to hear more about Christ. The team was quickly able to connect him with a local church and when they explained his background to the local pastor, the pastor said that they had a fellow believer at that church who previously was a Buddhist monk as well! Paw Thong is continuing to listen to the radio broadcasts and The Tide® ministry staff continues to visit him and encourage him with the truth of the Gospel.

Shenk commented, “Stories like this remind us at The Tide® how important our work is for the glory of the kingdom. To see someone so surrounded by a false religion yet instinctively know that Christ is the answer is inspiring for us, and we resolve to continue to reach the lost around the world through radio broadcasts and other means.”

It’s stories and testimonials such as these that remind Shenk and the rest of the team at The Tide® ministry of the eternal purpose that they are working towards. As they celebrate the past 75 years of global missions, The Tide® ministry also is looking forward to the next seven decades with their plan called “The Tide® Diamond Vision:”

  • Amplify – The Tide ministry will increase ministry initiatives so that more people can experience God’s grace.
  • Magnify – The Tide ministry will work to grow its support base to an expanded demographic.
  • Solidify – The Tide ministry will develop and supply more resources to help new believers to grow in their faith and live in right relationship with God.
  • Verify – The Tide ministry will measure the effectiveness of its activities to both manage them well and to demonstrate the efficient stewardship of resources.
  • Glorify – The Tide ministry will strive to ensure that all it does to achieve its vision will bring glory to God.

For more information about The Tide broadcast projects, history, radio programs around the world, special year-long campaigns, the weekly Global Update radio features or other news, visit its website at or its Facebook page. Read more about The Tide ministry and Director Don Shenk here.

In addition, The Tide ministry is actively looking for people godly and manly enough to take up the 2021 “Year Beard” challenge. Visit for background and to meet some of the participants who are growing out their facial hair to raise awareness and financial support to help The Tide ministry reach an additional 1 million people with the name of Jesus next year.


To schedule interviews with Don Shenk, director of The Tide global radio ministry, contact, Beth Harrison, 610.584.1096, ext. 105, or Deborah Hamilton, ext. 102.

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