
Since 1983

Many Zimbabweans identify as Christian, but a large number of them still participate in traditional African religious practices including ancestral spirit worship and witchcraft. Even though Zimbabwe has been fairly extensively evangelized there are still many who need to hear the gospel message, and others who are hungry to learn more about Jesus Christ.

In 1983 The Tide ministry began working with a Church group in Zimbabwe to produce and air an Ndebele language radio program called ‘Amagugu Evangeli.’ Since then the ministry has also assisted in the production of Christian radio programs in the English and Shona languages. In 2016 we began building a new, larger and upgraded, recording studio so that this local radio ministry can continue to grow and impact more lives for Christ.

News from


Life Change Thanks to ‘Precious Gospel’ Program

The people of Zimbabwe have many challenges—from economic difficulties and rampant inflation to high unemployment and the prospect of a low harvest because of inadequate rainfall. Don Shenk, says that while the fears and apprehensions of people worldwide may be...

A New Language in Zimbabwe—Shona

‘Amagugu Evangeli’ Program Distributed on WhatsApp to Reach Even More Listeners in the Language They Were Born to Speak

Letters from Abroad: India, Nigeria, and Zimbabwe

One of our favorite parts of ministering is hearing back from our listeners. Read on to see how lives are being changed around the world! India I am a regular listener of your radio program ‘Shanti Data.’ Through this radio program I was very happy and blessed and...

