
Since 2020

In 2018, we identified four unreached people groups in Pakistan who did not have gospel radio programming available in their own language. Our vision is to be sharing the gospel with all four groups in their own language within the next five years. In 2020, God opened a door for us to take a major step forward by enabling our partner ministry in Pakistan to recruit ministry teams to record and broadcast radio programs and conduct discipleship activities in two of those languages.

One team is reaching out to the Pashtun people, and the other team is focused on the Saraiki speaking people. This is exciting progress and provides a vital outreach in this country where Christians and ministry workers often face threats from fundamentalists who have a very unwelcome attitude towards Christianity in Pakistan. In fact, Pakistan is #5 on Open Doors USA’s 2020 World Watch List.

News from


India at the Center

As we continue to reflect on India and work on transitioning responsibilities after Dr. Bijoy Roul’s passing, we are reminded of the centrality of the country of India for missions today.

