
Since 2015

Kosovo is a relatively small land-locked country in the central Balkan Peninsula that has had a very turbulent history. For many years it was part of the territory controlled by the Ottoman Empire and consequently a very high percentage of the population are Muslims, and less than 1% of the people are evangelical Christians. More recently Kosovo was administered as a province of Serbia, and although Kosovo declared independence in 2008 and was granted sovereignty in 2012 there is still political tension. Over 90% of the 2 million people living in Kosovo are Albanian, and Albania is used as the official language. In 2015 The Tide ministry began partnering with indigenous pastors in Kosovo to produce and air evangelistic Albanian language radio programs. There has been a good response and already two new churches have been planted as listeners in different communities respond to these gospel broadcasts.

News from


Kosovo ‘Boots on the Ground’ Use Creative Ways to Share the Gospel

It can be alarming and overwhelming to see the statistics of some of the countries The Tide ministry reaches into, but seeing God at work in them gives us hope and renewed encouragement to continue planting, watering, and sowing; allowing the Holy Spirit to work in the lives of the people.

Muslim Listener Learns of God’s Love for All His Children

With a goal of spreading Christ’s hope worldwide to people of all walks of life, The Tide® reaches not only those who already practice their Christian faith by putting their trust in Jesus but also those who are far from Christ or who may never have heard of His love...

Touching Muslim Truth-Seeker in Kosovo

With a goal of spreading Christ’s hope and wisdom worldwide to people of all walks of life, The Tide® reaches not only those who already practice their Christian faith by putting their trust in Jesus, but also those who are far from Christ or perhaps who may never...