The Tide has been growing its longest-running program “Amagugu Evangeli,” which means “Precious Gospel” in English. Our ministry has moved to both broaden listenership—by switching from a local station to a national station—and increase airtime—by partnering with another organization to purchase 24 hours of daily airtime that the organizations will share. Over the past several years, listener response to the program has grown exponentially, and support for The Tide has been especially helpful after a recent break-in at one of the Zimbabwe studios.
Crime is heavily prevalent in Zimbabwe, and while The Tide was already taking extra security measures to protect their studio from the robbery and vandalism that is far too common, thieves were able to steal almost $3,500 worth of recording equipment. In the wake of this event, the ministry moved to reinforce with added security measures such as insurance and CCTV cameras.
As discouraging as the robbery could have been, The Tide has seen God’s providence through the situation. “Despite the Enemy’s attempt to use thieves to hinder the ministry activities, the production of programming continues, and generous donors are helping to replace what was stolen,” said Director Don Shenk.
Partners of The Tide who are stepping in to provide donations to replace what was stolen are a wonderful reminder of Christ’s power to work through His body.