Since 1983, The Tide® global Gospel ministry has shared the hope of Christ through a program called “Amagugu Evangeli,” which means “Precious Gospel” in English. Over the past several years, listener response to the program has grown exponentially, and The Tide ministry is looking forward to even more response as they begin broadcasting all throughout Zimbabwe.
Previously airing on a smaller station that had a signal only reaching 40 kilometers (25 miles) away, The Tide switched stations in order to reach more Zimbabwean listeners with “Amagaugu Evangeli” and other Gospel programs. This new station, while more expensive, reaches rural communities that don’t have access to other media forms. And The Tide has already received responses from new listeners in areas such as Binga, Wedza and Gokwe, which they were not able to reach before.
“These are some of the most remote and undeveloped areas of Zimbabwe,” said Tide Director Don Shenk, “where people live in poverty and the majority are still deeply entrenched in traditional animistic African religious beliefs. We are greatly encouraged, knowing that the new station has allowed us to reach hearts that have never heard the Gospel before.”
Once listener wrote, “I’m thankful for the spiritual food. I want to follow the footsteps of Jesus Christ. My life is hard, but I will trust in God to protect me all the days.”
Another shared his interest in learning more about Christ, saying, “I crave for His word. I want to join your bible study.”
Earlier this year, The Tide also hired a sound engineer to begin recording and producing Christian music in Zimbabwe. This new initiative will help to increase the amount of indigenous Christian music available, providing more opportunities for the people of Zimbabwe to be touched by the love of Christ. It will also provide a new income stream for The Tide ministry as they work to reach more listeners.
These new initiatives come just in time for The Tide ministry’s 75th Anniversary as they celebrate longevity and look ahead with “The Tide Diamond Vision.” Through the lens of their Diamond Vision, The Tide is focusing on amplifying more ministry initiatives, solidifying more resources to help new believers and striving to bring glory to God.
“We eagerly anticipate where God will lead us in the future as we steward His ministry,” Shenk said. “And we are so excited to see our longest-running global Gospel program continue to grow.”