The Bible makes it clear that children are very important to God, and statistics show that the ten year period between the ages of 4 and 14 is a very formative and impressionable time. More people become Christians during the 4-14 time frame than during any other stage of life. Through Radios for India, The Tide is committed to making sure that as many children as possible throughout India can hear about Jesus during these influential years.
Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven. (Matt. 19.14 ESV)
It was a young girl who first heard the Gospel on her uncle’s radio that inspired us to initiate the Radios for India project in 2004. Since then many generous donors have given, through The Tide, the gift of a radio so that entire communities, including children, can hear the Good News of Jesus that The Tide is broadcasting in seven different heart languages throughout India. In addition to placing many radios in the hands of church planters, in individual homes, and in village community centers, The Tide also partners with the Scholarship Program For International Children’s Education by providing a radio for every S.P.I.C.E. hostel in India. Through these venues, many children are developing a deep and lasting faith in Jesus Christ and having a transformational impact in their homes and communities as they grow and become influential members of local society.
Learn more about what we are doing in India here.