The Tide is involved extensively in media related ministry throughout India. Currently, The Tide airs 8 different radio programs in 7 heart languages of India. Having that number of programs in India allows us to share the gospel with millions of people in a predominately Hindu nation. In the region where the Tide partner ministry is located, many people are strong Hindus and hate Christians. As a result of this hatred, many violent attacks and persecution against believers happen in this area. Despite the violence and persecution, people’s lives are still being touched and transformed through The Tide heart language radio programs as evidence through these testimonies from listeners of The Tide Oriya language program Shanti Data;
As I listen to the ‘Shanti Data’ radio program, I am blessed by the Lord. One day you had shared about the forgiveness of God which touched my heart. It is true that no one can give us forgiveness only Jesus has the power and authority to forgive our sins. His death on the cross provided forgiveness to all who believe in Him. I have realized that I am a sinner and need forgiveness. I repented of my sins and have accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior and Lord. Thank you for sharing the word of God through radio which has blessed and comforted me. –MISS. S
Mr. S was very discouraged and frustrated due to some problems and depression in his life. Thus he wanted to commit suicide and one day he bought some poison. When he was going to take the poison he could hear the words of God from the radio program ‘Shanti Data.’ The Lord was telling him, “Your life is very precious, your life is not your own but it is mine, I have purchased it with my blood and want to give you peace and rest.” Those words touched his heart and that very moment he threw away the poison bottle. He came running outside his house and reached the place where the ‘Shanti Data’ radio program was going on for our listening group. He sat there with others and listened to the whole program. The word of God touched him and he received peace in his heart. After that, he started listening to the radio program regularly and was relieved from all his problems and depression. The Lord’s love and grace saved him and he has accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior. We all thank the Lord for touching Mr. S’s life and giving him peace and joy. –MR. J
Thanks for sending your literature and Bible Correspondence course to me. After I completed the Bible Correspondence Course I have learned more about God the Creator Jesus Christ & His life and Salvation etc. I have surrendered my life to Jesus Christ and accepted Him as my personal savior. Now I have become a new creation by the grace of God. I want to share the Good News with others so that many may accept Jesus Christ and receive Salvation. –MISS. S
It is testimonies like these that encourage The Tide to continue on in fulfilling its mission to “creatively share the Good News of Jesus Christ worldwide through media and partnerships.” Every day, The Tide is working on fulfilling this mission by producing and airing heart language radio broadcasts, supplying radios for India and Nigeria, conducting Seekers Conferences and correspondence courses, and providing literature distribution.