One Step Forward: Roadblock

Reading: Philippians 1:12-20 Have you ever felt like you were putting all your effort into something, only to see you weren’t actually getting anywhere with it? Paul could have easily seen his situation like that in this passage. He was in prison. But Paul...

40th Annual Spring Golf Benefit (SOLD OUT!)

This event is sold out! The Tide® Annual Golf Benefit provides a great way to make a global impact for Christ while also participating in a pleasurable hobby. This year our outing will take place on June 21. This will be the 40th consecutive year for The Tide...

What Do We Ask For?

I have often had people ask me, “is it wrong to ask God for ___?” I sometimes ask myself the same question. These verses tell us the answer. God came to Earth to be a man in the form of Jesus. Jesus had temptations everyday, for everything that we have been tempted...

Canadian Gospel Music Concerts

This year, The Tide annual spring promotional events in Canada will consist of Gospel music concerts featuring The Stiff Family from Wellesley, Ontario. The Stiff Family is a family of six who seek to glorify God in their music and in all their endeavors. They’ve been...