See the Lord

Reading: Luke 19:1-10 When men get desperate they do the unusual. Zaccheaus did! He left the office and the the business and went out to the place where Jesus was to pass by. He was quite determined, so as the huge crowd fought against him, to see Jesus Zaccheaus...

Quiet Spirits

Quiet Spirits Reading: 1 Thesselonians 4:7-12 Have you ever heard a sermon preached on this scripture? Do you remember it? Study to be quiet and to mind your own business. Boisterous and meddlesome persons create their own problems and stumble over their feet. Better...

Be a Witness for the Lord

Reading: Acts 8:1-8 The early church grew by leaps and bounds. They soon filled Jerusalem with their doctrines. Persecution arose and they were scattered. Scattered, but not stopped. Scattered to witness and preach Christ. It is very evident that in the Jerusalem...