Good News from Chhattisgarh State of India

Good News from Chhattisgarh State of India

The Tide® has been active in India for four decades. Good news was recently reported from the Chhattisgarh State, where the ministry first began by providing just a few radios to believers and leaders of this area. But this ministry has slowly expanded by...


Reading: Hebrews 12:1-14  The runner cannot afford to wear heavy shoes or the swimmer a clumsy suit if he is to win the race. Those things may be legitimate enough for ordinary pursuits, but not for running a race. So he lays them aside–to win.  The child of God...


Reading: Mark 11:22-26  There are two marks of a Christian–giving and forgiving. No one can become intimate with Christ and remain selfish. If one draws close to the Lord, his selfishness will disappear. You can generally know how close one is to the Lord by how...
Who Are the Bhottada People of India?

Who Are the Bhottada People of India?

The Bhottada people of India are a primitive group of farmers, and they have no radio programming in their own language—no way to hear about the hope, love and saving grace of Jesus Christ–until now. The Tide® is introducing Gospel programming in a new...